Posts filed under "USalamanca"

Lo Que Se Lleva En El Campus - Vega - University of Salamanca

We are happy to bring you campus style coverage from Spain through our new collaboration with UNStyle was created to serve as an aggregator of campus style in Spain and its photographer network within Spanish Universities is growing.

Sandra Bravo Duran is the Campus Sartorialist for the University of Salamanca. She has recently returned from Tokyo where she spent time perfecting her Japanese. She is a student at the University of Salamanca where she is majoring in economics and sociology, but also takes time to play with her camera on campus  and show you the styles and trends that she sees.

Vega is a Law Student at the University of Salamanca in the Castile-Leon province.

 Photos by Sandra Bravo Duran (@sanbravoduran) 

Posted on August 25, 2012 and filed under "Spain", "USalamanca", "girls".